People make detours just to see them: the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre’s funny signs keep us chuckling. Who’s behind them?

(By News Desk)
Some people make a detour just to see the new one every week: the signs at the Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre are always good for a laugh.
They are put up by the president of the centre, 64-year-old Chris Kane, a retired civilian support worker at RCMP headquarters on the Mainland.
“Instead of putting boring stuff up, I might as well give people a laugh,” he says. “It certainly helps to put us on the map. People from all over the world follow us. Within 10 minutes of posting one of the signs, we saw it reposted in Hamburg [Germany].”

Does he make this stuff up? “Well, we get contributions from all over. Friends find things on Facebook, some people back East send us pictures. It’s better than saying we’re closed.”

The Activity Centre is actually not completely closed due to COVID-19: the food program is alive and well. On Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. volunteers sell soup and sandwiches, and every Friday at that time fresh fish and chips are on the menu.
All three days, members can also pick up frozen entrees for $6; desserts are available as well. The centre sells about a hundred meals a day.

One does not need to be a senior to become a member. Anyone can join for $30 a year. The centre has 1,200 members.