“Construction on Gospel Rock should be halted until you have solved the strain on roads, ferries, water, and medical services”

Dear Mayor and Council,
I am writing to register my disapproval for the continued development of Gospel Rock.
Although I do not live in Gibsons, I and my family will be affected negatively by this development.
We on the lower Sunshine Coast do not have enough water as it is. Inviting a development
that will house an additional one thousand people is ludicrous and irresponsible and bad
governance towards the citizens who already live here. But one thousand is only a fraction
of the number of people who would live in the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan, as you well
No amount of conserving water will make up for the excessive demand from this particular development.
This is an unacceptable strain on the essential basic services such as water, roads, traffic, ferries and affordable housing, even doctors & health care workers.
A development such as this only takes away what we already have here; it steals our good air, our water, the quiet of the living forests, it pollutes our waters — leaving less for everyone already living in Gibsons and surrounding areas.
You were voted in to represent not just the people who stand to make more money with the runaway development that this project represents.
There are not enough doctors for the current residents of the Coast as it is. BC Ferries can barely handle the traffic demands with the recent swelling of our population, and all of us have to endure their shortcomings.
If there were a fire on the coast, how would we escape? Bumper to bumper on the one road to the ferries?
Each development with this kind of density smack dab in the middle of an animal corridor leaves less for everyone else besides the developper who stands to profit . Real estate interests, banking, lawyers, builders, tourism, everything related to more people, more cars, more homes: maybe there will be more business for them here, but at the cost of wrecking the very place we moved to escape these modern excesses.
These are SOME of the issues which affect all of us on the Coast, not just the residents of Gibsons.
Construction should be halted until you’ve solved some of this mess.
Sincerely, Caitlin Hicks